CQC Assessment at The Vesey




Training, supervision, and support

Training, supervision, and support

Safety is a priority for everyone and leaders embed a culture of openness and collaboration. People are always safe and protected from bullying, harassment, avoidable harm, neglect, abuse and discrimination. Their liberty is protected where this is in their best interests and in line with legislation.

Where people raise concerns about safety and ideas to improve, the primary response is to learn and improve continuously. There is strong awareness of the areas with the greatest safety risks. Solutions to risks are developed collaboratively. Services are planned and organised with people and communities in a way that improves their safety across their care journeys. People are supported to make choices that balance risks of harm with positive choices about their lives. Leaders ensure there are enough skilled people to deliver safe care that promotes choice, control and individual wellbeing.

Training, supervision, and support

Our Evidence:

Training, supervision, and support

We are committed to staff education, this is why all permanent staff undertake the following on appointment:
Mandatory Core Skills Training Framework elearning bundle

The following eLearning courses are available as part of the bundle:

Ongoing Learning and development in Mandatory areas, is delivered in face to face training including:

Clinical Support Staff such as our nurses and healthcare assistant staff undertake training in areas such as Venepuncture and complete and induction workbook covering our local training.

Our staff are also independently trained, assessed & accredited by BUPA for examination of BUPA patients for their Health Assessments

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Relevant review:

Training, supervision, and support
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