Safety is a priority for everyone and leaders embed a culture of openness and collaboration. People are always safe and protected from bullying, harassment, avoidable harm, neglect, abuse and discrimination. Their liberty is protected where this is in their best interests and in line with legislation.
Where people raise concerns about safety and ideas to improve, the primary response is to learn and improve continuously. There is strong awareness of the areas with the greatest safety risks. Solutions to risks are developed collaboratively. Services are planned and organised with people and communities in a way that improves their safety across their care journeys. People are supported to make choices that balance risks of harm with positive choices about their lives. Leaders ensure there are enough skilled people to deliver safe care that promotes choice, control and individual wellbeing.
Training, supervision, and support
- We can evidence the training, support and supervisions undertaken by our managers and staff.
- Our training ensures our staff are capable and confident to deliver safe care. We ensure staff are capable and confident on all safety related training including fire safety, health and safety, assisting and moving, basic life support, etc.
- Our induction programme provides an effective introduction to our service. We ensure all staff understand our policies and procedures as part of their induction.
- Our induction programme and associated training has been developed and/or delivered using input from the people we support.
- We ensure new staff are supported by assigning a mentor, buddy or similar role. This provides our new starters with a trusted colleague to turn to during their induction period (and potentially beyond).
- We ensure staff are shadowed and supervised up until they’re both confident and assessed as competent to work alone.
- We regularly check the competence of our new and existing staff. We challenge poor practice and arrange additional training and support where required.
- We performance manage situations where further training and support does not result in better care. Where this is necessary, we keep clear records of the process and any disciplinary actions.
- We ensure that our training – whether internally developed and delivered or commissioned in – is of a high quality.
- We ensure our training is flexible to meet different learning styles.
- We ensure our staff training is regularly reviewed and refreshed in line with legislation and national good practice recommendations.
- We ensure our refresher training is a meaningful activity and not a tick-box exercise.
- We support our staff to set their own goals as part of the appraisal process.
- We ensure all staff involved in the preparation or distribution of food and drink receive training and refresh this in line with good practice.
- We support our staff to develop themselves beyond induction, providing opportunities for additional training that deepens knowledge and competence.
- Where qualifications are needed for a specific role, we will support staff to achieve these.
- We actively encourage our staff to expand and develop in areas that they are interested in.
- We actively support succession planning that provides opportunities for internal talent to develop into more senior roles and potentially future managers.
- We keep detailed records of staff training and know what courses, qualifications, and other learning has been undertaken.
- All staff receive regular supervisions which provide an opportunity to discuss their support needs and learning.
- We ensure our staff support is not just limited to formal meetings and that each staff member can contact us for assistance when they need to.
- We review the reasons why staff leave and invest time and resource in identifying areas for improvement.
We are committed to staff education, this is why all permanent staff undertake the following on appointment:
The following eLearning courses are available as part of the bundle:
- Conflict Resolution
- Equality, Diversity and Human Rights
- Equality, Diversity and Human Rights - Promoting Understanding
- Fire Safety
- Health, Safety and Welfare
- Infection Prevention and Control - Level 1 - Non-Clinical
- Infection Prevention and Control - Level 2 - Clinical
- Information Governance and Data Security
- Moving and Handling - Level 1
- Moving and Handling - Level 2 - Patient
- Preventing Radicalisation
- Resuscitation - Level 1 - Basic Life Support
- Resuscitation - Level 2 - Adult Basic Life Support
- Resuscitation - Level 2 - Paediatric Basic Life Support
- Safeguarding Adults - Level 1
- Safeguarding Adults - Level 2
- Safeguarding Adults - Level 3
- Safeguarding Children - Level 1
- Safeguarding Children - Level 2
- Safeguarding Children - Level 3
Ongoing Learning and development in Mandatory areas, is delivered in face to face training including:
- Health & Safety
- Risk Assessment,
- Moving & Handling
- BLS,
- First Aid,
- Anaphylaxis,
- Infection Control
- Mental Health Awareness,
- Mental Health First Aid,
- Fire Safety &
- Fire Marshall.
- Clinical System training PABAU (see download)
Clinical Support Staff such as our nurses and healthcare assistant staff undertake training in areas such as Venepuncture and complete and induction workbook covering our local training.
Our staff are also independently trained, assessed & accredited by BUPA for examination of BUPA patients for their Health Assessments