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Multiple sclerosis

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Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that affects the brain and spinal cord. It cannot currently be cured, but treatment can often help manage it.

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS)

There are lots of possible symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). Everyone with the condition is affected differently.

Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • feeling extremely tired (fatigue)
  • problems with your eyes or your vision, such as blurred vision or eye pain
  • numbness or a tingling feeling in different parts of the body
  • feeling off balance, dizzy or clumsy (uncoordinated)
  • muscle cramps, spasms and stiffness
  • needing to pee more often or not being able to control when you pee
  • problems with memory or concentration
  • sexual problems, including a dry vagina or erection problems

Symptoms may come (called "flare-ups" or "relapses") and go (called "remissions"), and may get worse over time.

Tests for multiple sclerosis (MS)

If your GP thinks you could have multiple sclerosis (MS) they'll refer you to a brain and nerve specialist (neurologist).

At your appointment the neurologist will ask about your symptoms.

There is no single test to diagnose MS.

Tests you may have include:

  • checks on your movement, coordination, vision, balance and reflexes
  • blood tests
  • an MRI scan to see if there is damage to the nerves in your brain or spinal cord
  • taking a small sample of spinal fluid from your lower back using a needle (lumbar puncture)
  • tests that use small sensors attached to your skin to measure how quickly messages from your eyes or ears travel to your brain

Types of multiple sclerosis (MS)

There are 3 main types of multiple sclerosis (MS). They affect everyone differently.

Your neurologist may need to monitor your symptoms and test results for some time to diagnose which type you have.

The 3 main types of MSTypeHow symptoms might affect youRelapsing remitting

You have flare-ups of symptoms where they get worse (relapse) and then go away or get better (remission).

Over time, this type often develops into secondary progressive MS.

Secondary progressive

Your symptoms are there all the time, and get slowly worse.

This type of MS can come after relapsing remitting MS.

Primary progressive

Your symptoms slowly get worse over time. You do not have periods when they go away or get better (remission).

This is less common than the other types of MS.

Further Information

Treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS)

There is currently no cure for multiple sclerosis (MS). But there are treatments that can slow the progression of MS and help ease symptoms.

The type of treatment will depend on the type of MS you have and your symptoms. You'll probably need different treatments over time.

You'll be supported by different healthcare professionals. This may include a specialist MS nurse, a neurologist (brain and nerve specialist), physiotherapist and occupational therapist.

Medicines for MS

Treatments you may have include:

  • steroid medicine to reduce swelling and help nerves work better
  • medicines called disease-modifying therapies to reduce how many relapses you have and how serious they are
  • muscle relaxant medicine to help relieve muscle spasms, cramps or stiffness
  • medicine to treat pain, vision problems and other symptoms

Treatment and support for symptoms of MS

You'll also be offered treatment and support for the symptoms of MS. Every person's needs will be different depending on their symptoms.

Support you might need may include:

  • advice about how to manage tiredness (fatigue)
  • physiotherapy and exercises to help with movement problems and muscle pain
  • mobility equipment (including walking sticks, frames and wheelchairs) and home adaptations (such as stair lifts or railings) to help you with day-to-day activities
  • cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to help with anxiety, depression and fatigue
  • activities to improve your memory, concentration, thinking and mood (cognitive rehabilitation)
  • advice, exercises and medicines to help with bowel or bladder problems
  • advice and treatments for sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, low sex drive (loss of libido) or difficulty reaching orgasm

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Dr Mazen Matar
Consultant Neurologist

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