PRP for joints

May 10, 2023

This is an effective and well-researched procedure that’s a potential alternative to surgery. It takes advantage of the blood’s natural healing properties to reduce pain and improve joint function. It uses a specially concentrated dosage of platelets prepared from your own blood to repair damaged cartilage, tendons, ligaments, muscle and bone. Treatment is administered via an injection and depending on the injury two to six injections may be required, performed at weekly intervals. Patients usually see their symptoms improve within four to six weeks of having the injections. PRP is a safe treatment option which, because your own blood is used, carries no risk of allergic reaction.

Prices include:

Consultation £150

Ultrasound guided steroid injections:

i.      Corticosteroids £300 Per Joint

ii.      Steroid combined with Hyaluronic Acid £600 Per Joint

iii.      Aspiration combined with Steroid Injection £500

Platelet Rich Plasma (ACP PRP) Injections:

Includes consultation and the diagnostic scan if injection is administered on the same day of the initial consultation:   1 x injection = £500 per joint

This price includes the initial consultation and diagnostic ultrasound scan: course of 3 x injections = £1,500

The Vesey Private Hospital
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