There is an inclusive and positive culture of continuous learning and improvement. This is based on meeting the needs of people who use services and wider communities, and all leaders and staff share this. Leaders proactively support staff and collaborate with partners to deliver care that is safe, integrated, person-centred and sustainable, and to reduce inequalities.
There are effective governance and management systems. Information about risks, performance and outcomes is used effectively to improve care.
Environmental sustainability
- The people we support are protected from the impacts of climate change through adaptation and mitigation plans.
- We can evidence how we identify and mitigate against the negative impact of our service on the local environment (e.g., Net Zero audit etc.).
- We ensure that any environmental sustainability plans we have in place (e.g., Net Zero) are reviewed regularly to track progress.
- We can demonstrate what we are doing to lead by example on environmental matters (e.g., the use of renewable energy, sustainable travel and transport, medicines and environmentally friendly waste management).
- We can evidence how environmental impact is a key consideration as part of our procurement policies and procedures (e.g., checking green credentials).
- We can demonstrate how we encourage responsible ways of working (e.g., the adoption of energy saving at our home or premises, our Climate Commitment Pledge etc.)
- We provide opportunities to the people we support to learn more about environmental issues and how to minimise the negative impact.
- We provide training to our managers and staff team about environmental matters related to our service (e.g., waste reduction, climate change, environmental sustainability).
- All staff are trained and aware of how to spot health issues arising from sudden onset environment related issues, such as overheating or increases in pollution levels.
- We enable and supports our workforce to be aware of, and reduce their individual carbon footprint.
- We provide regular opportunities to discuss our environmental impact with the people we support, staff team and others in our community.
- Where we identify areas for improvement, we will secure the investment in resourcing the changes that are needed.
- We work with partners across our local community to help address the wider environmental impact of health and social care.
- We can demonstrate how our environmentally-friendly policies and procedures are having a positive impact on the people we support, our staff team, and the wider community.
- We encourage our staff and team we support to give feedback and ideas to help us improve environmental sustainability at our service.
As a provider of NHS Services we also adhere, aspire and attempt to follow NHS Guidance on aiming for Net Zero (policy attached)