CQC Assessment at The Vesey




Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Safety is a priority for everyone and leaders embed a culture of openness and collaboration. People are always safe and protected from bullying, harassment, avoidable harm, neglect, abuse and discrimination. Their liberty is protected where this is in their best interests and in line with legislation.

Where people raise concerns about safety and ideas to improve, the primary response is to learn and improve continuously. There is strong awareness of the areas with the greatest safety risks. Solutions to risks are developed collaboratively. Services are planned and organised with people and communities in a way that improves their safety across their care journeys. People are supported to make choices that balance risks of harm with positive choices about their lives. Leaders ensure there are enough skilled people to deliver safe care that promotes choice, control and individual wellbeing.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Our Evidence:

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

We ensure partners and professionals communicate with us via secure email systems (e.g., we use NHS.net and comply with the Data Security Protection Toolkit to share information back and forth with a hospital discharge team).

Our organisation search link for DSPT is below:

Data Security and Protection Toolkit

Download Policy:

Download Policy 2:

Relevant review:

Safe systems, pathways and transitions
Our thoughts:

We assess and learn from times where things do not go according to plan. In this verified review our team had struggled to obtain a test for a patient at a 3rd party hospital.

We responded to the initial feedback with:

"Hello, We are sorry your initial appointment with Dr W, was booked incorrectly. The offer for complementary wellness services still stands although you didn’t take this at the time. Subsequently your care required referral for imaging at an external hospital whom despite chasing (and escalation to our senior management) delayed the process. The issue regarding your excess was settled with vitality and was caused by the external hospital issuing an invoice for excess, despite you being under our consultants care. We appreciate your understanding, some of the problems listed where unfortunately completely out of our control and the team spent a significant amount of time trying to deal with external organisations to try and fix the issues for you. Kind regards"

Importantly however where the changes we made subsequently, developing a formal partnership with a different external clinic, to ensure our patients have a smooth transition when they require Xray or MRI.

Redeveloped a policy around the capturing of insurance excess payments to ensure that mis-understandins and mis-communications do not occur.