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Surgical Excision

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A surgical excision can be defined as a skin treatment procedure that is commonly performed to surgically remove any harmful skin abnormalities, such as tumours, lesions, and malignant moles, from the surface of the skin. This is a skin surgery procedure that is commonly used for the treatment of various forms of skin cancer and is an effective option for skin cancer patients to consider. Though most often a treatment option offered to patients diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer, patients with both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers can be considered as candidate for the use of surgical excision as an effective treatment option.

For harmful skin conditions such as skin cancer, early detection and treatment is vital for a positive prognosis, so if you’re looking for an effective skin cancer treatment option but don’t want to be left waiting for the star treatment that you deserve, get in touch with our qualified dermatological surgeons. The Vesey Skin Clinic are here to help schedule in your consultation as soon as possible, meaning that you don’t risk being left on the waiting list.

Further Information

When is surgical excision recommended?

A surgical excision for the removal of a cancerous lesion or tumour from the surface of the skin is a skin surgery procedure with comparable cure rates to other forms of treatment that are made readily available, the procedure taking significantly less time in comparison to other skin cancer treatments. An excision is a minor procedure that should only take around thirty minutes to an hour to complete, but the level of success that you should expect to receive from undergoing this skin surgery procedure will vary depending on both the severity and type of skin cancer that you are undergoing treatment for.


Those diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer will likely need to undergo surgical excision as to remove the entirety of the cancerous tumour from the surface of the skin. For patients with thin melanomas, this is a medical issue that can often be completely cured through the use of surgical excision alone, making it a great option to consider.

Squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas

Those with low-risk squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas may be ideal candidates for surgical excision as an effective skin cancer treatment, however, those deemed to be at a higher risk level may find that skin cancer is likely to recur after surgery.

What does a surgical excision involve?

To carry out a surgical excision, one of our qualified skin surgeons at Birmingham Dermatology Clinic will cut the cancerous tumour or lesion, as well as a portion of surrounding healthy skin, from the surface of the skin, working to completely remove the tumour at the site. This is an extremely effective skin surgery procedure that can successfully treat lower risk form of skin cancer, leaving most patients with only a small scar the size of the incision once surgery is complete.

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The Team

Dr Tanveer Chohan
Consultant Dermatologist
Dr Camilo Diaz
Consultant Dermatologist
Professor Eleftheriadou
Consultant Dermatologist

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